Globalization and the Avant-garde, Part 2

A Chicago artist even older than me wrote me this as his take on yesterday’s essay, Globalization and the Avant-garde: “Everything I do (have done) that falls into a general category of experimental stuff–music, video, self-made instruments, one-of-a-kind books, performance and writing–only amounts to stuff isolated from the world of supply and demand. Being self-produced myContinue reading “Globalization and the Avant-garde, Part 2”

Globalization and the Avant-garde

With the 19th Century creation of the art avant-garde on the model of the military, art was fully enlisted in the Age of Discovery, building on the opening shots of the Renaissance–perspective painting and realistic anatomy . While the early terrestrial explorers were motivated by investment and debt, and only later idealized their achievements, the avant-garde wasContinue reading “Globalization and the Avant-garde”